Mark Making, Printing and Collage – Part III

I had brought some papers with me and decided next that I would create a series of collages using, for the most part, genuinely “found” papers.  So often the term “found” is used to describe items which are actually “bought” from second hand shops, car boot sales, online auctions etc.  I try to work, as exclusively as possible, with items that I have found along the Chichester Harbour coastline, adding to them when necessary but always using them as the starting point for my work.  The papers used in the pieces below are:

disposable plate; take away coffee cup; take away sandwich wrapper; take away cookie bag; sandpaper; cider cardboard packaging; miscellaneous plastic; paper from an oil filter; and, most importantly, a tide table.

Disposable food service products made from paper, paperboard, and corrugated fibreboard, including cups, plates, bowls, napkins, take away bags, trays, egg cartons, doilies and tray liners, can also include or be coated with plastic to improve wet strength or grease resistance.

So, my collage collection includes hidden plastic and the title “Turning the Tide” refers not only to the use of a local tide table in the work, but also to the fact that I hope that we are now turning the tide in the fight against plastics and other rubbish in our seas.  This is and will remain the core inspiration behind the work that I produce.

Collins Dictionary – “Turn the tide” – to change the general course of events.


Nearly ready for Chichester Art Trail

After much hard work and preparation we are nearly ready for the Chichester Art Trail which starts tomorrow and runs over the this weekend and next and this Bank Holiday Monday.  My husband Alan (Alan Frost Photography) and I are exhibiting from our studio at Venue 79 in Fishbourne.

Entry will be via the garden (another work in progress!) and the first thing you will see is this:


You can come and guess how many lighters I have collected from Chichester Harbour during 2017 but over the years (2008-2017) during the Great British Beach Clean (every 3rd weekend of September volunteers removed and recorded  10,240 cigarette lighters and tobacco pouches.  Source: Marine Conservation Society
Continue reading “Nearly ready for Chichester Art Trail”

Her Dark Materials

My first set of “Found Materials” works are back from Terry at ReFrame and I am delighted with them!  Thank you Terry!

Thank you to Elaine Bolt for her encouragement – you will see a little of the ceramics made with her at West Dean College recently.  These pieces will be on display at Venue 79  of the Chichester Art Trail over the first two weekends of May together with my mixed media and collage work and the beautiful monochrome photographs of my husband Alan Frost.  It will be interesting to see how his work and mine work together – there is definite similarity in terms of colour choice but whilst his is about technical perfection my work is much more rustic!

I am looking forward to seeing the last pieces framed and also to the arrival of a wooden plinth for my trio of sculptures … watch this space!

I hope that these items will not only appeal to some people as pieces of art but also raise awareness of the amount of debris that is thrown into the sea.  All of the found elements here came from the Chichester Harbour Area – I walk here most days with our dog and carry one bag for collecting discarded plastic and the like and the other for the items that I feel I can use – thank you to Chichester Harbour Conservancy for the work that they are doing in this beautiful area of West Sussex – perhaps more of us can do our bit by collecting rubbish when we are out and about.  Here are the lids I picked up this morning during an hour at Church Norton.  Maybe you can beat the number that I found?